The No Starch Diet
The No Starch Diet is a low-carbohydrate diet invented by Jerry Sobieraj, M.D., that aims to keep people from eating starchy foods, which places stress on the insulin system. The No Starch Diet does not restrict fruit or vegetable consumption.-
Eating food, Dr. Sobieraj maintains, stimulates the release of insulin, which helps nutrients enter the body's system. Different types of food have differing effects on the release of insulin. Starchy foods, for instance, stimulate full insulin production because they are difficult to remove from the blood system.
The Diet
Unlike Protein Sparing Modified Fast (protein) diets, like the Atkins Diet, the No Starch Diet does not focus on caloric intake. Instead, the diet aims to eliminate starchy food intake and increase starch-free, nutritious food intake.
Foods that are completely off-limits with the No Starch Diet include bread, cereals, rice, pasta and potatoes. No restrictions are placed on the consumption of meat, fresh fruit, vegetables or dairy products. Nuts are also permitted on the diet, but must be limited to one ounce per day.