Diet of the Aussies
Australia's Regular Diet
According to Kydren, the present Aussie diet is laden with fat and cholesterol, with 40 percent of calories from fat. Alcohol and glucose intake have nearly doubled in recent years, causing an increase in diabetes for both children and adults.
Australia's Healthier Diet
Australia's relatively new low-carbohydrate (non-complex) diet, also known as the "Total Wellbeing Diet," was developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Australia (CSIRO) and first introduced to the United States in 2006. This healthier diet is "essentially a nutritionally balanced diet with a higher level of lean protein to prevent hunger," according to Medicine Net. On the Total Wellbeing Diet, a large portion of protein is derived from lean meat, fish, and low-fat dairy foods with sufficient amounts of whole-grain fiber, fruits and vegetables.
Bottom Line
Australian researchers have found that women, in particular, lose significant amounts of weight on a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. This can in turn control cases of diabetes and heart disease that have become so common. The Aussie Diet has become the ideal diet for Australians seeking to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.