Top 10 Energy Supplements
Bolt 260 Formula
Bolt 260 is designed for busy business professionals. Designed for everyone from busy business professionals to busy moms, Bolt 260 energizes the brain, bringing clarity and increasing mental focus. This supplement leaves your body feeling refreshed rather than just highly-caffeinated. It claims to release energy directly to the cells, giving your body and brain a boost. This supplement contains caffeine and NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which aids the production of dopamine, a brain chemical that helps regulate energy levels, mood and concentration.
Yellow Subs Xtreme
Take Yellow Subs to keep you dancing all night long. Take Yellow Subs when you are ready to party all night. Yellow Subs Xtreme is often categorized as a party pill or dance pill and is popular with those who love to stay out all night. Take this supplement if you need a quick and heavy energy boost, some positive energy, or an increase in stamina. Because it also contains NADH, it can help produce dopamine, which has the potential to help clear your head, as well. Yellow Subs Xtreme also contains cocoa bromine, cayenne pepper, EGCG (a green tea extract), L-phenylalanine, yerba mate leaf, and green coffee bean extract.
Red Chinese Super Caps
Influenced by an ancient Chinese formula, Red Chinese Super Caps are an herbal energy supplement designed to give you lasting energy without the sugar-crash effect. One of the main ingredients is green tea, which is safe and full of antioxidants. Ingredients for this product include a mixture of Mormon tea, ephedra viridis, cinnamon twig, apricot seed, Chinese honey, licorice root and green tea. Be warned, however, that the ingredient ephedra has a long warning label associated with it. It is best to consult a physician before taking this supplement.
Destim Green and Clear
If you are feeling fatigue and need an extra eight hours, try Destim Green and Clear. Destim Green and Clear gives you a potent dose of caffeine. Destim Green and Clear has special time-release capsules that spread the energy in an even manner. This formula will last for a long time--up to eight hours. Use it when you are tired and trying to fight fatigue.
Destim Magnum 357
Destim Magnum 357 is a self-proclaimed high-powered caffeine stimulant that contains 200mg of concentrated caffeine. It is recommended that you take this product in moderation. Those 18 and younger are advised to not take this product. Take this product when you are fatigued or need to stay up for a full night.
Pic Me Up
Pic Me Up is a caffeine supplement used by people attempting to fight fatigue. The 200mg of caffeine is paired with 25mg of vitamin C for a natural energy boost. Use this product only if you need a big energy boost.
Orange Rush Pre Workout Drink
Drink Orange Rush right before your workout. Made specifically with athletes in mind, Orange Rush Pre Workout Drink is packed with proteins and carbs, preparing your body for exercise and to build muscle. Other ingredients in this product include yerba mate, guarana, Korean ginseng, green tea extract, orange peel bioflavonoids and more. Use it before going for a run or lifting weights. It will both energize you for cardio training and maximize your muscle workout.
Appress Glucapress PCL
Appress is both a weight loss supplement and an energy booster. Appress is best-known as a weight loss supplement, but can also be used as an energy booster. Appress works to decrease your appetite while increasing your energy. This product was specifically developed for those who struggle with losing weight. Ingredients on the product label include chromium brotin, Glucappress patented, gahwa bean extract, chomium polynicotinate, vanadyl sulfate and green tea extract.
Super Caps Xtreme
Take Super Caps for maximum athletic performance. Developed for athletes, this product promotes physical endurance as well as athletic performance. Super Caps Xtreme improves strength and increases energy and endurance levels. This product is used primarily by runners, dancers, basketball and hockey players, as well as other athletes. Ingredients contained in this product include green tea extract, cocoa bromine, cayenne pepper, L-phenylalanine, jaborandi, and NADH.
Testora NX
This product, specifically for males, is a sexual performance booster with natural ingredients. Testora works with your body to increase desire and arousal while also improving stamina, as well as your sexual performance. Quebracho, niacin American ginseng, choline bitartrate, ginkgo biloba, cnidium monnier, xanthoparmelia scabrosa, epimedium longjack, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), jujube date, and L-arginine HCL.