Low Carbs for Vegetarians
Soybeans, Tofu, and Tempeh
Tofu is high in protein and can be used to replace meat in many recipes. Often described as a miracle food, soybeans are a versatile and excellent source of protein. They can be steamed, fried or added to just about any recipe. Studies have also shown soybeans to have cardiovascular benefits. Tofu and tempeh are both soybean derivatives. Made from the curds of soy milk, tofu is a source of protein and calcium and has very few carbohydrates. It is a versatile culinary chameleon, taking on the flavor of whatever you season it with. Tofu comes in three varieties: silken, soft and firm. Silken and soft tofu can be used in blended recipes such as smoothies or desserts, and firm varieties of tofu are best utilized in heartier dishes. Tempeh, a traditional Indonesian patty made from fermented soybeans, is a great source of protein. It is described as having a nutty taste, and although tempeh has more carbohydrates than tofu, it is higher in fiber. Tempeh has a denser texture than tofu and is easier to digest.
Seitan, also known as "wheat meat," is derived from the protein rich gluten portion of wheat. Used to replace meat in recipes, seitan is high in protein and low in fat. Like tofu, seitan takes on the flavors that it is seasoned with. The texture is chewy and meat-like, and seitan can be purchased at most supermarkets or easily made at home.
Commercial Meat Substitutes
There are meat-free versions of popular foods including hot dogs, chicken cutlets, hamburgers, ground beef and lunch meat. Made from a combination of soy and wheat proteins, these high protein meat substitutes are available at most supermarkets. They can be used to replace meat in recipes, or eaten on their own for a high protein snack.
Healthy Fats
Nuts and seeds are a source of vitamins and healthy fats. Low carbohydrate diets put an emphasis on consuming healthy fat. Fortunately for vegetarians, healthy fats are readily available in the form of nuts, seeds, nut butters and avocados. In addition, nuts and seeds are a source of protein and vitamins. Nuts and seeds can be eaten alone or added to main dishes and salads. Nut butters and avocado can be used to make nutritionally packed salad dressings.