How to Lose Weight With Shells
Buy nuts that are packaged in their shells, such as pistachios, walnuts or peanuts, but avoid any that feel too light or have holes in their shells. Buy a small quantity of the same type of nuts that have been shelled.
Eat as many of the shelled nuts as you would like on the first day. Note of how many you have eaten.
Eat as many unshelled nuts as you want on the second day, taking note of how many you have eaten. Since the shells act as a barrier between you and your snack, you are likely to eat less unshelled nuts, yet still feel satisfied. Keep the empty nut shells.
Place the empty nut shells beside your plate at your next meal. The shells are a visual reminder that your hunger can be satisfied on a smaller quantity of food than you may think. Imagine your meal with some sort of barrier, such as a shell.