Are Potatoes Carbs?
Your body needs carbohydrates. According to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, carbohydrates provide the fuel your body needs to keep your organs functioning and to move around and be active. Your body turns carbohydrates into sugars. Starchy carbs turn into sugar faster than complex carbohydrates and other foods, like proteins, causing an insulin spike. This has been linked to weight gain, leading diet experts to ban all starchy carbs. But, if you eat a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, essential fatty acids, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits and get plenty of rest and exercise, an occasional potato will not suddenly make you fat.
White Potatoes
White potatoes are not empty calories. Nutrition experts at the Baylor College of Medicine state that a 7-ounce potato -- about baking size -- gives you half the vitamin B6 and vitamin C you need for the whole day. They also have potassium. Baked or steamed with the skin on, they provide 5 g. of fiber, 220 calories and no fat. Top one with non-fat plain yogurt, chopped green onions and sesame seeds for a skinny, hearty side dish that balances carbs with protein.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes have a golden brown skin and a deep, pumpkin-colored interior. They are sweeter than white potatoes, and eating just one per day will provide you with an entire recommended serving of vegetables. According to Ohio State University Extension's Family Nutrition program, sweet potatoes are high in vitamins A and C, and low in sodium. They have no fat or cholesterol. Their deeper color and enhanced nutrients make them a good alternative carbohydrate to white potatoes, but deep-fried sweet potato fries are no better than regular french fries as far as calories.
Red, Yellow and Purple Potatoes
Red, yellow and purple potatoes are no different from white ones as far as basic calories and fiber, but those pretty colors are not just for show. The deeper colors contain more antioxidants, which are useful in scouring free radicals from your blood and organs. Free radicals can destroy the structure of your cells, affect your DNA and even cause cells to die. Certain cancers and complications of aging are linked to free radicals, so the more antioxidants you consume, the better. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, you may soon be seeing colorful potatoes whose insides match their bright skins and offer even more nutritional benefits per gram of carbohydrates.