Foods to Eat on a Low-Fat Diet
Eat vegetables as part of a low-fat diet plan. You can use fresh or frozen vegetables, according to the NHLBI. For example, eat a salad with red bell peppers and sliced cucumbers, and go easy on the dressing. Frozen, microwavable vegetables offer a convenient alternative to fresh veggies. Just follow cooking instructions and top the hot vegetables with fresh seasonings, such as garlic.
Whole-Grain Breads and Cereals
The NHLBI suggests replacing your white bread and crackers with whole-grain breads or whole-grain cereals. For lunch or dinner, place low-fat lunch meats and lettuce on a whole-grain bread. You can eat other types of whole-grain breads, such as tortillas. For breakfast or brunch, eat a bowl of whole-grain breakfast cereal with skim milk. Add more nutrition with slices of fruit, ranging from peaches to blackberries.
Low-fat Milk and Cheese
Milk and cheese can remain a daily part of your low-fat diet. Just stop purchasing whole milk or cheese and go for low-fat or fat-free versions instead. Add low-fat milk to a bowl of cereal or afternoon tea. Place sliced low-fat cheese on toasted bread or steamed vegetables, such as broccoli.
You can continue eating snacks, but choose healthier ones. According to Health Castle, you should avoid munching on pastries or doughnuts, reserving these indulgences for special occasions, such as holidays. As a low-fat dieter, you can eat different types of healthy snacks, including steamed vegetables, unsalted popcorn and frozen blueberry fruit juice.
Nuts may be high in fat, but they have unsaturated fats, which are viewed as good fats. Health Castle, suggests adding nuts to a green salad. One way to add nuts to your diet is a home-made trail mix. Just combine peanuts with dried fruit and marshmallows or dark chocolate chips. Incorporate nuts into pies and cakes and other baked goods.