Low-Fat Foods for Breakfast
Toast is a good breakfast option, with a few caveats. For one, you should avoid white bread in all its forms. White bread is a simple carbohydrate that breaks down like sugar in your body; it may taste good now but it will leave you hungry again in a couple hours. Avoid butter on your toast, and use instead jam, egg or even cheese. Rather, you should stick to things like jam, egg or even cheese -- the key is finding a source of fruit or calcium without excess fat.
Calcium is an extremely important element to have in your body, and dairy is an excellent source of it. This means that a low-fat breakfast should have a low-fat source of calcium. This could be low-fat yogurt, skim milk or even some low-fat cheese. So, you could melt some low-fat cheese on a piece of whole grain toast to make an excellent breakfast; it would be even more so if you served it with a piece of fruit or two.
Finally, eggs are an excellent choice for a low-fat breakfast as long as you don't cook them in too much oil. Eggs are good because they are low in fat but high in protein, which means they will keep you full for a long time, particularly if you team them with a complex carbohydrate like whole grain toast or an English muffin. You'll be even better off if you cook them with a vegetable, as this will add both vitamins and healthy carbohydrates to your morning diet.