How to Stop Testosterone Naturally

Testosterone is a hormone naturally produced in the human body in the testes or ovaries, though a small amount is also secreted by the adrenal gland. Testosterone plays an important role in puberty, helping in sex organ development, hair growth, and other aspects associated with maturation. The human body continues secreting testosterone throughout adulthood, especially in men. Testosterone in adulthood is involved in muscle growth and sperm production. While testosterone is regulated by various hormones, these hormones trigger the testosterone-related growth because of biological and environmental factors. To stop or reduce testosterone-related growth naturally, some basic steps can be followed.


  1. Physical Activities

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      Lift fewer weights. Testosterone is produced during muscle growth, and thus a reduction in weight lifting (which triggers muscle growth) would result in the body secreting less testosterone.

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      Sleep less. Testosterone is produced at night when the body is undergoing REM sleep, and thus less sleep would result in less testosterone.

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      Eat less zinc-enriched food. Zinc has been proven to be a catalyst in the creation of testosterone. Foods to avoid when trying to lower testosterone include foods high in zinc, such as red meats.

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