Food to Be Avoided By a Gallstone Patient
High-Fat Foods
Foods containing high amounts of fat must be avoided to reduce the formation of gallbladder symptoms and discomfort. Eggs, pork, fried foods, saturated fats, nuts and dairy products should be reduced or entirely eliminated from the diet to prevent the formation of gallstones or other problems in gallbladder patients. The authors of advise that patients should not completely cut fat out of a diet unless a gallbladder attack is occurring. Omege 3 oils and extra virgin olive oil are recommended to keep desirable levels of fat in a diet.
Foods high in sugar or artificial sweeteners should be avoided for gallbladder patients. Fruit juices, sodas, chocolates and ice cream are all discouraged in order to prevent gallbladder attacks and stones. In addition to high levels of sugar, many of these foods also feature high levels of fat, increasing the harmful potential of the food.
Caffeine is discouraged in the diet of gallbladder patients. This includes caffeinated sodas (also discouraged due to sugar), black tea and coffee. According to the University of Maryland, research has suggested that coffee intake may reduce the likelihood of gallstones, as the caffeine increases gallbladder activity. However, the increased activity can cause discomfort and symptoms for other types of gallbladder diseases.