Low Calorie Diet for Acid Reflux
Lean Protein
Maintaining a low-calorie diet for acid reflux definitely doesn't include fried or spicy foods, which worsen acid reflux. Instead of fatty fried meats, eat lean meats that are not fried. Lean meats are lower in calories, with higher amounts of good proteins. Meats to include in the diet include skinless poultry, chicken and turkey, and lean beef patties. Try baking, broiling and grilling meats instead of frying them. Tomato-based products and creamy salad dressings should be avoided as well. Use low-fat dressings as an alternative.
Low-Fat, Low-Cal
A daily diet consisting of low-fat and low-calorie dairy products is ideal. Check the labels of all dairy products such as milk and cheese, and purchase dairies made with 1 or 2 percent milk or skim milk. Soy products are good alternatives as well. Include apples, carrots, cabbage, cereal, bananas, broccoli, baked potatoes and lettuce. Be aware that fruits and vegetables high in citric acid trigger acid reflux. Eat whole-grain breads, cereals and pastas.
Small is More
It is best to eat six small meals per day instead of two or three large meals. Avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages. Mineral water and fresh fruit juices without citric acid are best to drink. Try not to drink any beverages at meal times, but rather 30 minutes before or after a meal. The best way to maintain a low-calorie diet with acid reflux is to stay away from high-fat, fried, spicy and rich foods as well as desserts.