Low Fat & Calorie Diets
Low Fat
When subscribing to a diet low in fat, it's recommended that only 30 percent of the total calories consumed in a diet should be that of fat. Foods that are heavy in fat that should be avoided when following a the diet are whole milk, cheese, heavily marbled meat, fish, or poultry; beef, and breads made that contain eggs and fat. When eating and preparing foods that are main staples of a low fat diet like, such as veal, boiled ham, lean pork, oatmeal, whole grain and enriched breads made with an egg substitute and skim milk; it's best to trim all visible fat from meats and bake, steam, or broil foods instead of frying.
Low Calorie
Low calorie diets consists of foods that are extremely low in calories and mainly contain a lot of fruits and vegetables. There are a lot of limits when it comes to following a low calorie diet. Foods that are pre-cooked like frozen foods, breaded or fried foods and items ordered from restaurant menus are off limits since the calorie intake is usually high. When being consistent with following a lox calorie diet, it's best to cook the food at home where the ingredients can be monitored.