What are Fat-Cutting Foods?
Low-fat or skim milk contains a lot of calcium which can help boost metabolism. It also contains complex carbohydrates which keep your insulin levels low after a meal, further increasing your fat-burning potential, as high insulin levels cause your body to keep fat stores.
High-protein foods such as lean meats, legumes and cottage cheese are important to cutting fat. If you're cutting out all the fat and carbs from your diet, your body may start burning protein, so it's important to keep eating protein as it fuels your muscle tissue.
Whole Grains
Whole grains are good for cutting fat, as they are loaded with complex carbs and fiber, which will boost your metabolism and keep insulin levels low. Consider eating whole grain cereal in the mornings and replacing regular bread with whole wheat bread. Add some oats to your diet as well, which is rich in fiber and breaks down slowly in the stomach, preventing spikes in insulin levels. Oatmeal makes a good breakfast option.
Hot Peppers
Spice up your meals with jalapeno peppers, which add a kick of flavor, speed up the heart rate and increase metabolism with a chemical called capsaicin. Habanero peppers and cayenne chiles also will help you burn calories throughout the day.
Fish are loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids, which lead to lower levels of the hormone leptin, which in turn leads to burning more calories. Salmon makes a good evening meal, or you could pack a tuna fish sandwich made with low-fat mayo for lunch.