What Are the Lowest Fat Foods?

Foods containing saturated fats and trans fats are hazardous to your health. Saturated fats are in most processed meats and fried foods and trans fats are hydrogenated fats found in oils, margarine and pre-packaged meals. According to the American Heart Association, you should not consume more than 7 g of saturated fat and 1 g of trans fat each day. If you need to reduce your fat intake, eat foods with the lowest amount of fat that are healthy.
  1. Fiber Rich Foods

    • High fiber foods contain less fat than foods with little or no fiber. Not only are fiber-rich foods lower in fat, but the fiber also helps to fill you quickly and allows food to pass through your intestines more easily. Bran, oatmeal, brown rice and wheat are high fiber foods with a low fat content. When preparing these foods, season them using items that do not contain saturated fats or trans fats, such as cinnamon sticks, dates or dried herbs and spices.

    Vegetables and Salads

    • Most fresh vegetables are also very low in fat, containing only 2 b to 4 g of fat per serving. Eat vegetables raw or steamed, or create a low fat salad using green, leafy vegetables, along with others, such as radishes and celery. Avoid adding processed meats and heavy salad dressings since these greatly increase your salad's fat content. Rather, include low-fat croutons or seasoned whole grains as additions and lightly season it with vinegar, lemon or herbs, and you'll have a low fat meal that is high in fiber and very filling.

    Lean Meats

    • Most lean meats, such as chicken breasts, turkey breasts and whiting fish, have less than 2 g of fat per serving. Although low in fat, lean meats have high amounts of protein, which helps to keep your diet balanced. According to Dummies.com, lean meat contains less than 10 g of fat for every 3 1/2 oz. Purchase meats that say "lean" or "extra lean" on the package and avoid meat products with visible layers of fat.


    • Fruits are one of the lowest fat foods available since the majority of fruits contain little or no fat. Apples, grapefruits, pineapples, grapes and mangoes are few of the many fruits that contain no fat. Fruits also contain a large amount of water and fiber, which helps them to move through your intestines easily. The sugar content in fruit will energize you, so you can eat a high fruit, low fat diet and maintain your vitality.

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