Low Calorie, Low-Fat Sources of Protein
Skinless chicken and turkey are among the healthiest protein choices available. A 4-ounce chicken breast contains 193 calories, 7.6 grams of fat and 29 grams of protein, while a 4-ounce cut of turkey contains 178 calories, 3.7 grams of fat and 33 grams of protein. When selecting chicken or turkey, be sure to buy skinless portions and trim away any fat. Grill or bake to keep the calorie and fat count low. Other good meat options include lean cuts of pork and fish. Salmon and halibut are two examples of fish that are low calorie and low fat yet high in protein. A 3-ounce cut of halibut contains 93 calories, 2 grams of fat and 17 grams of protein. Again, baking or grilling the fish helps keep it healthier.
Low-fat dairy like cottage cheese, milk and yogurt can also be low in calories and high in protein. One-half cup of low-fat cottage cheese has less than 100 calories, 5 grams of fat and 14 grams of protein. Low-fat milk contains 120 calories, 4.7 grams of fat and 8 grams of protein. When picking yogurt, choose Greek for an additional protein boost. A 6-ounce serving of a plain, nonfat Greek yogurt contains 100 calories, no fat and 18 grams of protein.
Eggs, either whole or whites only, are a good source of protein and very low in calories and fat. If you are worried about the cholesterol in eggs, you can choose to eat only the egg whites and still get a substantial amount of protein. One egg contains 75 calories, 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein. One egg white contains 16 calories, 3 grams of fat and 3 grams of protein.
One-half cup of black beans, kidney beans or chick peas supplies more than 5 grams of protein per serving and contains a little more than 100 calories and less than 1 gram of fat. Tofu, made from soybeans, is a healthy protein source for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. One-half cup of tofu includes 94 calories, 6 grams of fat and 10 grams of protein. The best source of protein in the bean category is lentils. These tiny legumes include 115 calories, less than 1 gram of fat and 9 grams of protein per half cup serving.
Some high protein diets encourage reduction of carbohydrates through grain-based foods like pasta and cereal. However, these foods can be a good source of protein and can also be low in calories and fat. For example, 1/4 cup of quinoa contains 170 calories, 2.5 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein. Regular oatmeal is another good grain with 145 calories, 2.4 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein in a half-cup serving.