Flat Belly Diet Instructions to Lose Weight
Exercise for 40 minutes, three times a week. Perform cardiovascular activity such as running, swimming, dancing or aerobics. This helps burn calories that eliminates fat from the stomach, making it appear flatter. There is no limit to the amount of cardiovascular exercise you can do, the more the better and the quicker you'll see results.
Do 50 sit-ups a day. Sit-ups or stomach crunches are an excellent way to tone the stomach as they really work the abdominal muscles. Breathe deeply and slowly whilst doing these exercises and you will also strengthen your lungs, build upper body strength and improve your flexibility. If you can manage more than 50 sit-ups per day, do so. The more you can do, the quicker you'll see results.
Eat a low fat diet. Fresh lean meats such as chicken and turkey, fish such as cod and salmon and vegetables such as carrots, lean beans and broccoli contain few calories and little fat. The meat and fish you eat should be no bigger than the palm of your hand and you can eat in conjunction with as many vegetable as you want. Eaten consecutively over two weeks will produce good results and you should start to see a difference in the flatness of your stomach.
Cut out foods high in carbohydrates. Potatoes, white bread and white pasta leave the stomach looking bloated -- the opposite of what you want. By cutting out these foods, your stomach will not be stretched and will appear flatter. They are made from refined carbohydrates and contain starch, bran, hull, fiber and have a lot of the nutrients removed during processing. Brown carbohydrates, on the other hand, are considered more natural and are full of whole grains.
Always eat breakfast. The body needs replenishing after 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Your body will be starving and you will be craving food. If you do not eat regularly, your body will actually store fat as it will think you are starving. Eat a whole grain cereal bar if you are in a hurry, or buy a low-fat smoothie with fat-burning weigh. This will keep you feeling fuller until lunch time.
Drink water regularly during the day. Drink 8 pints of water daily at minimum. Water flushes out toxins in the body, and keeps hunger pangs at bay as your stomach will feel fuller and you will want to eat less.