Diet Changes for High Cholesterol
Making the change
Hearing the words "high cholesterol" from the doctor both scares people and leads them to believe that they have to say goodbye to all their favorite foods. This is not the case if you can learn to alter recipes, eat less fat, and curb some of your old habits.
Lowering the fat in your diet will inevitably lead to a lower cholesterol level. Replace creamer with skim milk or regular mayo with light mayo. Eating well can taste great and replacing your old habits with those rich in nutrients and fiber will benefit more than your cholesterol.
Oils and lean meats
While fried and fast foods are not recommended, other oils such as olive oil and other vegetable based oils can still be your friend. Using olive oil lightly is actually said to be good for your heart and your cholesterol level.
Cutting out meat altogether is unnecessary, but cutting out red meat may be wise. A diet high in red meat is terrible for cholesterol levels and should instead be replaced with a diet high in lean meats such as turkey, fish, chicken, and pork. Replace hamburgers with turkey burgers but you can eat the occasional filet mignon.
Up the fiber and vegetables
Say goodbye to whites and hello to browns. Foods with whole grains such as wheat breads, bran, and whole grain rice have loads of fiber and can help lower cholesterol.
Additionally, seeds, beans, and all plant food (vegetables such as cauliflower and green beans) contain fiber.Vegetables are often avoided but they are a necessity, especially when the topic of cholesterol is at hand. These natural foods contain loads of vitamins and fiber, are great side dishes, and are extremely filling while still being good for you and your cholesterol level.
Be smart about your diet. Remember less fat means less cholesterol, and always consult your doctor.