Home Remedy Fat Cleanse

Your liver has a huge burden. Literally everything your body takes in must go through your liver to be filtered--even toxins from the air your breathe. If you drink alcohol, smoke, take prescription or non-prescription drugs, eat processed foods or fatty foods, you can be sure your liver is working at filtering out all the stuff your body doesn't need to function. All of these deposits in your liver may mean your liver is sluggish. A two-week program can help your liver take care of itself so it can move those fats out instead of storing them.
  1. Week 1: Give Your Liver a Break

    • You need to give your liver a break. For a week, give up margarine, white flour, white sugar and alcohol. Take flax seed oil every day, as well as an Omega 3-6-9 supplement as directed on the package. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day and take psyllium capsules, which will help clean everything from your blood to your bowels.

      You should strive for a diet that includes lots of fresh vegetables and fruits and unprocessed foods and keep your salt intake as low as possible. You should get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

      After you have followed this regimen for one week, you can add the following fat flush.

    Week 2: Flush Fat

    • Mix the following and drink it three times a day for a week:

      3 oz. unsweetened cranberry juice (You may sweeten it with Stevia.)
      1 tbsp. crushed flax seed
      1 tsp. linseed oil
      1 tsp. agar-agar juice

      You should also take daily supplements of dandelion root, milk thistle, turmeric and Oregon grape root as directed on the package. This is easily obtained at a health food store.

      After week 2, return to a healthy eating regimen.

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