Examples of Low-Fat High Fiber Detox Diets
The purpose of detox diets is to remove pollutants and impurities that build up in the body. The low-fat, high-fiber diet works well to detoxify the body because foods that are low in fat help remove toxins. Also, foods that are high in fiber are fibrous and help cleanse the digestive system of toxins as they work their way out of the body. Fiber also makes the stomach feel fuller for a longer period of time than other foods do. Also, fiber speeds along bowel movements; however, adequate water must be taken in along with fiber or it can result in constipation.
If you have underlying health conditions, consult with your doctor before starting any detox diet. Typically, the detox diet takes three days to three weeks based on personal preference. Before you start the diet, stock up on high-fiber, low-fat foods. It is best to stay away from supplements when on a detox diet program and stick to natural juices and foods. Foods that can be eaten on a high-fiber, low-fat diet include raspberries, pears, apples, oranges, strawberries, dried figs, blueberries, whole-wheat spaghetti, barley, bran flakes, oat bran, oatmeal, brown rice, popcorn, split peas, black beans, baked beans, lentils, artichokes, broccoli, turnips, and many other fruits and vegetables. You can also indulge in soups, juices, and green or black teas, and use sweeteners like honey. Foods and drinks that are unnatural should be avoided as they are processed and contain many chemicals. The second part of the detox diet is to consume lots and lots of water. Water is extremely important for expelling toxins from the body. At least eight glasses of water should be consumed a day along with the high-fiber low-fat foods. The third part of the detox diet is to incorporate some form of minimum-intensity workout to further expel toxins from the body through sweat and to aid in overall physical health.