Fifteen Hundred Calorie Diet
Sticking to 1500 Calories a Day
This can be difficult for some people, but the best course of action is to eat about 400 calories per meal and eat two 150 calorie snacks throughout the day or three 100 calorie snacks. Eating a third snack just before bedtime can be extremely beneficial to your weight loss because a lot of people who are dieting are used to eating more calories throughout the day and find this time of day particularly difficult to avoid eating. If you save a snack for the final part of your day, it may help settle your stomach before bed. Otherwise, try to avoid eating the last couple of hours you are awake. If you must, make the snack on the lighter side.
Example Menu
It can be difficult to put together a 1500 calorie menu. Here are some examples and ideas for what to choose on a daily basis. For breakfast, eat a small bowl of cereal with skim milk for about 350 calories. You can also drink unsweetened fruit juice to go with your breakfast.
Have a banana for 107 calories and strawberry yogurt for 120 calories mid-morning (or have each one two different times throughout the morning in between breakfast and lunch).
Avoid eating lunch all together and concentrate on eating snacks throughout the day, if necessary. Otherwise, choose a smart lunch and omit some of the snacking throughout the day.
For dinner, eat a large meal of 850 calories (try beef chow mein or something similar). In the evening, have a kiwi fruit for a snack.There are many choices you can make. You can eat three medium sized meals throughout the day and eat smaller snacks in between, or you can skip lunch and eat snacks in between breakfast and dinner. It just depends on what works best for you and fills your needs.
Other Tips
It's important to drink plenty of water throughout the day (at least six to eight glasses). You'll need the water to stay energized and to allow your joints and muscles to stay lubricated. Get plenty of exercise. If you don't have enough time to exercise all at once, you can split it up between three or four exercise routines throughout the day. For example, you can walk for 10 to 15 minutes three to four times a day and it will be just as effective as walking for 30 to 40 minutes straight.