Low-Fat Diet Plan for Weight Loss
A low-fat diet is ideal for weight loss because it prevents the consumption of excess dietary fat that is later stored as fat on the body. On a low-fat diet, less than 30 percent of total caloric intake should come from fat with the remaining 70 percent coming from fruits, vegetables, legumes, lean meats, low-fat dairy products and whole grains.-
Eat Fruits, Vegetables and Legumes Without Limitation
On a low-fat diet, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and legumes including all beans and lentils that are naturally low in fat. Fruits, vegetables and legumes are also high in fiber that provides satiety, the feeling of fullness, on fewer calories.
Choose Grains, Meats, Eggs and Dairy Wisely and Eat Sparingly
Whole grains are naturally low in fat, but high in calories, so be sure to balance meals appropriately with vegetables, fruits and legumes. Also choose skim and low-fat dairy products and avoid full-fat dairy. Use egg whites instead of a whole egg, and choose lean meats, such as chicken, turkey and fish over beef, pork and processed meats. Additionally, when preparing meat, remove all visible fat and skin before baking or alternatively, before eating. Bake or broil meat instead of pan-frying.
Foods to Avoid
Avoid high-fat foods such as nuts, mayonnaise, dressings, butter, margarine, shortening, avocados, seeds and other fats on a low-fat diet. However, sparing use of fish oil and olive oil can be beneficial to your health, since fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats.