Slim-Fast Nutrition Guide
Slim-Fast Shakes
The main ingredients in original Slim-Fast shakes are skim milk, water and sugar in a variety of forms. The idea is to simply drink the shakes (at 220 calories apiece) to replace your morning and afternoon meals and then eat a healthy, portion-controlled dinner with a couple of small snacks in between. It sounds simple enough and aims to do what most dieting plans aims to do--find a way to distract your appetite and keep you from eating too many calories each day. It also aims to simplify balanced nutrition by supplying fiber and about a third of a person's daily value of certain vitamins and minerals. The shakes come in formulas other than original, including higher protein and lower carb.
Slim-Fast Bars
Slim-Fast bars can be incorporated into the diet plan and used as between-meal snacks. They come in all types of "forbidden" flavors like cookie dough and s'mores, but their caloric and nutritional content stays within the guidelines of the Slim-Fast plan. They do contain sugar, but they also offer a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. In addition to the snack bars, Slim-Fast also offers meal bars that are higher in calories than the snack bars and are to be used in place of the shakes to replace breakfast and/or lunch.
Slim-Fast Meal Plans
Your one full meal of the day should be a nutritious meal of 500 calories or so; a sample meal found at is 4 ounces of chicken breast with the skin removed, one small baked potato with 2 tablespoons of fat-free sour cream and 1 cup of steamed broccoli with 1 tablespoon of parmesan cheese. recommends that the healthy meal should be made up of 1/4 protein from lean meats; 1/4 starch, preferably from whole grains; and 1/2 vegetables for balanced nutrition. You can find recipes that meet the Slim-Fast plan's calorie and nutrient guidelines in books such as "$3 Low-Calorie Meals" by Ellen Brown, among others. Giving yourself a lot of variety in these healthy meals will help keep you satisfied so that you're not tempted to fall off your diet plan.