How to Find ways to Lower Cholesterol
Watch what you eat. Don't eat foods that are high in saturated fats, which is very high in a lot of meats. If you eat means, then eat lean meats. Avoid eating a lot of cheese as well. That is exactly how you can increase your cholesterol, by eating a lot of meat, that is extremely high in saturated fats. Eating foods that below 10% of saturated fats, will help to lower your cholesterol. The foods that help lower cholesterol, and what you should be eating is garlic(extremely good for the heart), lots of vegetables, and get more grains into your diet. Also start cooking with Olive Oil, get eat lots of fruits, and try eating fish. I'd suggestion that you do not eat foods that are fried, and avoid eating at fast foods. Don't eat a lot of burgers, steaks, etc, which can really increase your cholesterol.
Take supplements. For starters, I'd take Omega-3 fish oils. It supports a healthy heart function, and it will lower your cholesterol. I love taking fish oils, and if you have high cholesterol, then you better start taking them as well. They are extremely safe, and support an overall healthy immune system. Your heart needs supplements like green tea as well, and I'd try to get more antioxidants into your diet. Try to get a better ratio of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, compared to Omega-6 fatty acids. Some foods with Omega-3 fatty acids are spinach, green leaves, fish(contains the highest amount), walnuts, legumes, strawberries, and nuts.
Get daily exercise. Taking the right supplements, and eating are ways to lower cholesterol, but exercise helps as well. Those who tend to be overweight, tend to suffer from high cholesterol. I'd suggest doing swimming, or running, to help lower cholesterol. Also, you can do aerobic activities which can be pretty effective as well. Just try to be more active, eat better, and start taking these supplements. You'll notice the difference, and you'll feel good about your overall health.