How the HCG Hormone Is Used for Weight Loss
How it Works
In pregnant women, HCG helps nourish the fetus by jumpstarting the fat cells in the body and increasing metabolism. However, outside of pregnancy, the body does not produce large amounts of the hormone. The belief is that if the hormone can jumpstart fat cells in pregnant women, it may also be able to do the same in women who are not pregnant and men. Participants receive daily injections of the hormone and are ordered to restrict their caloric intake to 500 calories per day--the average caloric intact for a woman is suggested to be 1500 calories per day.
The notion of the HCG diet has been around for more than 50 years. stated that a person on the diet can lose anywhere from 1 to 3 pounds per day. Side effects of the HCG shots include headaches and hormonal changes. HCG affects the hypothalamus, which is part of the brain, and causes it to use up fat cells during pregnancy. By eating a small calorie diet, mixed with the injections to boost fat consumption, you lose the maximum amount of calories, but take in the least amount. This creates an efficient weight loss mechanism.
Does it Work?
As far back as 1974, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) have said that the use of HCG for weight loss does not work. Studies have shown that the amount of weight loss by people on a 500-calorie per day diet and receiving HCG injections is no different than those on the same diet and receiving placebo injections.
Despite the admonitions of the FDA and JAMA, there are several weight loss clinics and practitioners using HCG as a weight loss treatment. Testimonials on the websites of the HCG weight loss sites promote the practice and the 1 to 3 pound per day estimated weight loss. Many of these sites also offer to "maximize the diet" by pairing it with colon cleansers. Before doing any weight loss regimen involving hormones, supplements or medication, contact your physician.