Natural Raw Diet
Most natural raw foodists stick with this diet because of the mental and physical benefits achieved while on the diet. On a natural raw diet, you will experience increased energy levels, lower incidence of getting sick, decreased risk for heart attack, healthier skin, a better sex life, improved immunity, improved fertility and less sensitive teeth.
Natural Raw Diet Foods
You must obtain the same basic nutrients on a natural raw food diet as you would on any other. The majority of the diet consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and grains. Keep in mind that all of the foods eaten on a natural raw diet must be organic or raw. Foods that have been processed, treated with pesticides, pasteurized and cooked contain toxins and lack natural enzymes. The energy and carbohydrates you get will come mostly from fruits, carrots and grains. Nuts will supply the body with fat and protein.
Food Preparation
You can eat your foods in numerous ways. Try making a mixed green salad with dried fruits and plenty of vegetables. Use a juicer to blend greens, carrots and fruits into a sweet super juice. You can also use your juicer to liquefy vegetables and eat the foods like a soup. You can also use ice and fruit to make a breakfast smoothie. When starting the natural raw diet it is a good idea to invest in a juicer and blender to ease preparation time.
Natural Raw Diet Tips
Remember to add variety and fun to this plan. Success is based on your motivation and interest in the natural raw diet. Try making new recipes and incorporating your favorite fruits and vegetables.
Eat three meals a day with light snacks. Only eat when you are hungry and stop eating before you feel overstuffed. You should stop eating once you no longer feel hungry.
Most of the foods on the natural raw diet will aid in hydration, but be sure to drink plenty of beverages. Examples of drinks on the natural raw diet are smoothies, juices, water, sun tea and coconut milk.