High Protein, Low-Fat Food Ideas
Read the Nutritional Information
Admittedly, this sounds like an obvious step when trying to increase protein intake and cut fat. However, many people make assumptions without taking the time to compare nutritional information. For instance, a person might go with turkey instead of beef without checking to see if the fat percentage is any lower than the beef. Though it may be, it is important to make sure because all turkey is not automatically healthier than all beef. Also, check the calorie count and percentage of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber aids in digestion and helps to eliminate waste.
Eat More Than Just Meat
Many low or no-fat options can be found outside of the meat food group. Egg whites, for instance, are pure protein with no fat. Beans and legumes can also provide much-needed protein without the added fat. Something as simple as adding black beans to salsa could help increase a person's protein intake. Textured vegetable protein can also be purchased at health food stores and added to many recipes. Eating non-meat proteins will help to keep the diet interesting and provide more food options.
Pay Attention to Preparation
High protein, low fat foods can easily be made unhealthy if you are not careful during preparation. Make sure that foods are not fried or cooked in too much oil. Instead, use a non-stick spray or bake items in the oven on a layer of foil. Don't add other fattening ingredients such as cheese or creams. Keep the food simple and use spices to add flavor to the meal. Use steamed vegetables or a low-fat salad as sides. If possible, skip dessert or stick to fresh fruit or perhaps meringues, which are made from egg whites. Paying close attention to food preparation will help keep the fat down and increase the health benefits from food.