How to Lose Stomach Fat and Look Great
Avoid drinking beer. This is a super easy way to gain stomach fat. As I'm sure plenty are aware of, "the beer gut". Beer is an easy way to just gain weight in general. If you're going to lose stomach fat, you must avoid drinking a lot of beer, if any at all.
Join in a sports club. Especially for younger people. Sports is one of the easiest ways to get into shape. There's a lot of recreation leagues for grownups. Sports like basketball are a the perfect way to definitely shed stomach fat.
Start running or jogging. Great way to lose stomach fat is being active. Running is an excellent way to shed belly fat off. Staying active and not sitting around is an important key. Stomach is one of the first plays you add fat.
Start swimming. Swimming not only builds a lot of muscles in your lower and upper body. It's physically demanding and allows you to lose quite a few pounds as well. Just look at swimmers like Michael Phelps, who have no belly fat at all. I've never seen an overweight active swimmer.
Eat properly. Stop eating junk food and start eating foods that are healthy for. Like fruits and vegetables. Eat lean meats, and not so much food high in carbs. Also, do not eat before bed. That's a big no-no, eating then going to sleep. Great way to put on more weight. I was eating just cereal before bed and was gaining more fat. An apple probably won't kill you. Milk has fat calories, so that's not very good.
Drinking 8 glasses of cold water. Water flushes out toxin. It also increases your metabolism, so start drinking water! If you're going to lose weight, it's going to be hard doing so without drinking tons of water daily. 8 glasses at least everyday. Water in tea, or coffee does not count.
Speed up your metabolism. Great way to do this is drink 3-5 cups of green tea a day. Take two tablespoons of Virgin Coconut Oil. I've had success with both, just like numerous of others have. It's an excellent and easy way to lose weight. Without doing a lot of dieting.