Low-Fat, Low-Calorie Foods
Always look for milk that is skim or reduced fat over the whole milk counterpart. Also go for low-fat cottage cheese, reduced-fat or fat-free processed cheeses and powdered cream in the coffee over a dollop of the fattening stuff. Substitutions in recipes can include low-fat cottage cheese instead of ricotta in lasagna, and low-fat, plain yogurt rather than sour cream mixed in the creamy mashed potatoes.
Lighter meats are going to generally be lower in fat, meaning chicken will be less fatty than beef. Instead of bacon or sausage, go with Canadian bacon or lean ham. Try ground turkey instead of ground beef. When choosing cold cuts, opt for those that have reduced fat, such as "97 percent fat free." Before cooking meat, cut off as much fat as possible and remove any skin.
Steer clear of Ramen noodles or stuffed ravioli and instead choose macaroni, rice or plain spaghetti. Any noodles with a thick, white sauce, generally called Alfredo, is going to be packed with fat and calories, as will any pasta drenched in cheese. Go for pasta in a marinara, or red sauce, or, better yet, opt for pasta primavera, which is cascaded with fresh vegetables.
Potato chips are not a good choice but, perhaps surprisingly, neither are nuts. While the latter are packed with protein and are filling, they are also astronomical in calories. Low-fat, low-calorie snacks include plain popcorn, frozen yogurt over ice cream and skim-milk puddings instead of a thick, gooey custard.
Even the best low-fat, low-calorie choices can be instantly negated if the food is topped off with a fattening condiment. That bowl of popcorn, for instance, becomes a calorie-laden snack if it's drenched in butter, as do those yogurt-filled mashed potatoes. For folks who must have a bit of fattening stuff, such as butter or bleu cheese dressing, keep the stuff in moderation. One-quarter of a pat of butter should do, as should one tablespoon of a fat-laden, creamy dressing.
Fresh fruits, raw or steamed veggies are also a low-calorie, low-fat way to supplement the diet --- usually. Remember that fruit is high in sugar and doesn't count as healthy if they are drenched in syrup and topping off a three-tiered cake. Also remember that not all vegetables are low in calories and fat. A sandwich topped with sliced cucumbers, for instance, is going to be much healthier than one oozing with avocado.