How to Substitute Low-Fat Foods for Favorites
List Your Favorites
List your favorite higher-fat foods like lunch meat, ice cream and French fries.
Group favorites by category: Dairy/Eggs, Condiments/Dressings/Sauces, Snacks/Packaged Foods, Desserts/Baked Goods and Meat/Chicken/Fish. It is OK if foods overlap categories.
Experiment with substitutions for each category.
Identify Low-Fat Dairy and Eggs Options
Have 1% skim or soy milk instead of whole or 2%. If these taste "thin," start with 2% and work down. In recipes, use low-fat or fat-free milk products or milk substitutes. Flour, cornstarch or arrow root can thicken sauces without adding fat.
Buy light or fat-free versions of favorite cheeses like cheddar, Swiss and provolone. Some cheese is naturally lighter, like Jarlsberg, goat cheese and skim milk or part-skim milk mozzarella. Soy or rice cheese are also good options. Substitute light or fat-free versions of cream cheese, cottage cheese and ricotta cheese.
Sample the many brands and flavors of plain or sweetened low-fat or fat-free yogurt.
Scramble or fry egg whites or egg substitute. If you can't give up whole eggs, use 3 whites for every yolk.
Familiarize Yourself With Low-Fat Condiments, Dressings and Sauces
Make tuna, chicken, pasta and potato salads with light or fat-free mayonnaise, canola, sunflower or soy mayonnaise.
Minimize your use of oils. Substitute juice, broth or wine in marinades, dressings and sautés.
Cook or bake with canola oil, olive oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil or yogurt spreads. Sprinkles and sprays can add butter or olive oil flavors with minimal fat content.
Get low-fat or fat-free salad dressings or switch to vinegar or citrus-based dressings.
Discover Low-Fat Prepared Foods and Baked Goods
Buy tuna packed in water. Drain oil from anchovies and sardines before you eat them.
Pick clear broths over cream-based soups. Vegetable soups are often lower in fat. Low-fat and fat-free canned soups are available at most supermarkets.
Eat light or fat-free ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet or sherbet. Make sundaes with frozen yogurt, sliced fruit, chocolate syrup and light whipped cream. A wide variety of low-fatice cream bars and ice cream sandwiches make quick and light desserts.
Sample lighter frozen entrées and snacks. Try low-fat or "lite" pizza, pasta, stir fry and enchiladas.
Bake with canola oil or yogurt spreads, fruit puree or low-fat yogurt.
Find low-fat versions of cookies, crackers and other snack foods. Many light corn and potato chips are either baked or made with smaller amounts of healthier oils. Substitute popcorn or pretzels for a light but satisfying crunch.
Substitute oven fries or baked potatoes for French fries.
Use Low Fat Meat, Chicken and Fish
Get round steak, sirloin, flank steak, tip roast, porterhouse, T-bone or tenderloin. Buy the leanest hamburger available or substitute ground turkey or crumbled veggie burgers.
Find lean cuts of veal, beef, pork or lamb available. Substitute turkey or chicken for these meats in recipes.
Broil, roast, poach, grill or bake fish. Tuna, salmon, swordfish, trout, mahi-mahi and tilapia, cod and haddock are naturally low in fat.
Reduce or replace meat or poultry with veggie burgers, tofu, beans, peas or lentils in casseroles, soups and stews. Portobello mushrooms and eggplant are also delicious, hearty alternatives.
Swap high-fat cold cuts, hot dogs and sausages with turkey or soy versions. Spice up your sandwiches with deli turkey, chicken and light ham, all of which come in a variety of flavors, such as smoked, honey roasted, peppercorn, buffalo and barbecue.