How to Lose Weight for Spring Break
Determine how much weight you need to lose for spring break and keep track of it. Weighing yourself at a gymnasium scale is best because these scales are carefully calibrated for accuracy.
Begin counting calories immediately and don't allow for "treats." This is a time for extreme measures.
Limit your caloric intake to no more than 1200 calories per day, drinking water frequently in order to keep your feeling full and to help stimulate fat-burning properties.
Exercise for a minimum of two hours per day. Concentrate primarily on fat-burning activities like the bicycle machine and the treadmill.
Eat small meals and make sure they are consumed before 6:00 p.m. Eating late at night guarantees the pounds stick to you.
Opt out of parties that feature heavy drinking. Calories come rushing in when the alcohol starts flowing, particularly in mixed drinks.
Enjoy your spring break trip once you lose the weight you intended to. The benefits of looking snazzy more than make up for the small deprivations you put yourself through and remember that you deserve it.