How to Prepare Fall Macrobiotic Diet Meals
Things You'll Need
- Summer fruits and vegetables for the warm days in early Fall
- Autumn fruits and vegetables for the colder days later in the season
- Tofu, grains for staples
- Macrobiotic Recipes for Summer and Fall
Phasing Out, Phasing In
Summer seems to linger on into the fall. There are still many warm, even hot, days. Gardens still provide the last of the season's fruits and vegetables. It is relatively simple to adjust a macrobiotic diet to the changing weather. As warm days continue, eat fresh, locally and organically grown fruits and vegetables. Cooling cucumbers, lettuce, carrots and much more are early fall favorites. Enjoy salads, salsas and cold soups, harvest summer's bounty of Yin.
With the first of the cooler days, begin to introduce Yang, heartier and warmer meals. Apples, potatoes, all types of squash are delightful in soups, puddings and casseroles. Macrobiotic eating moves in step with Nature's changes from one day to the next. During the months of autumn. Indian summer, a sudden heat wave after a cold week, is an opportunity to enjoy the last of Summer's cooling harvest. Experience what it means to align with nature.
The heat waves are over now. Cooler days and colder nights signify winter's approach. Halloween, Thanksgiving are testimonies to the foods of Fall. Pumpkins, potatoes, apples are parts of autumn's plentiful harvest. Enjoy a bubbly stew, cooked for hours with fresh herbs, fresh baked bread for dipping. The family gathers around the table, curtains drawn against the early nightfall and a sudden icy blast. Discover what macrobiotic devotees mean by harmony.
Rather than abrupt shifts in diet, macrobiotic diets encourage passages from one season to the next. Autumn foods represent the variety that macrobiotic eating enjoys. When it is time to bid goodbye to watermelons and corn the seasonal doors swing wide open to an array of Fall foods that warm and balance approaching winter's chill. For macrobiotic eating, autumn offers the best of Yin and Yang.
With fresh fruits and vegetables shipped to all regions of the world, people no longer are encouraged to eat according to their environment. As a result, according to macrobiotic practitioners,people have lost their ability to adapt to their changing immediate environment and are more prone to illness. Macrobiotic eating is a path to live a life of balance within one's self and with one's world.