How to Get Macrobiotic Diet Recipes
Things You'll Need
- Macrobiotic cookbooks
- Macrobiotic spices and cookware (see Resources below for a beginning macrobiotic shopping list)
- Natural food market
How to Get Macrobiotic Diet Recipes
Flip through macrobiotic cookbooks at your local natural food store before you make a macrobiotic meal. Look there and not at a chain book store. The natural food store will stock books popular with the macrobiotic community. Familiarize yourself with the kinds of ingredients that tend to go together in recipes. Also note the cookware you might need to buy. Macrobiotic eating combines foods that have the five different tastes, biter, sweet, pungent, salty, and sour. Those tastes are also described respectively by the following five elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and tree. Bitter "fire" foods like green kale and affect the heart and small intestine. Sweet "Earth" foods like squash affect the spleen and stomach. Pungent "metal" foods like garlic affect the lungs and large intestine. Salty "water" foods like seaweed affect the kidney and bladder. Sour "tree" foods like lemons affect the liver and gall bladder.
Talk with someone who's already cooking macrobiotic food. Ask her or him for advice on how you should prepare your kitchen. If you don't know anyone personally, join a macrobiotic food forum like the one hosted by Cybermacro. Not only can you find the support you'll need on Cybermacro, you can try the recipes posted for their "Healthy Macrobiotic Recipe Competition." (Find the link in the Resources below).
Try recipes online before you invest in cookbooks like the ones on the Eden Foods website. It lists not only the calories, fat, protein, and carbs, but also the preparation and cook times. (Find the link in the Resources below).
Select a cookbook that uses foods you already have some experience with making. Take small steps into macrobiotic eating. Two good beginning books are Edward and Wendy Esko's, "Macrobiotic Cooking for Everyone" and "Aveline Kushi's Complete Guide to Macrobiotic Cooking."