How to Pick Macrobiotic Foods Based on Climate
Things You'll Need
- Locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables
- Whole grains, especially brown rice and legumes (can be from the same continent)
- Sea salt and sea vegetables (can be from the same hemisphere)
- Soy products
- Recipes
- Commitment to a way of life
Know that a macrobiotic diet is a philosophy, ancient in origin, that promotes balanced food choices and balanced living. Yin and yang principles guide macrobiotic philosophy. Primarily, vegetarian, low fat and high fiber, macrobiotic emphasizes that fresh fruits and vegetables should be grown and eaten in the same locale. The rationale is that human beings need to adapt to their changing environment. When people eat foods, especially fresh foods, from far away, the foods do not provide what human beings need for environmental adaptability.
Learn that yin is expansive energy. In food, fresh fruits and vegetables are yin. Fresh produce should be eaten in the same locale and climate as they are grown. Fruits and vegetables should be organically grown. Macrobiotic philosophy is climate centered and also eliminates consumption of pesticides and preservatives.
Know that yang is contracted energy. There are foods that have significantly longer shelf lives and which cross a variety of climates. Whole grains, including a lot of brown rice and legumes can originate from the same continent. Sea salt and sea vegetables can come from the same hemisphere.
Bring it together. With a wide variety of climate-oriented fresh foods and other macrobiotic staples, there are culinary options. Use personal taste to create variety in a macrobiotic diet. Recipes are as close as the Internet or a local bookstore, if you seek further guidance. Also important, eat and chew slowly to aid digestion. Keep in mind that, in the beginning, you will experience a detoxification of the body. Pay attention and consult a healthcare provider if you feel unwell.
Consume in peace. Macrobiotic eating is grounded in deep philosophical and spiritual conviction and desire to create harmony and balance in your life and in the world. Food is a means to bring the physical self and the inner self into alignment with your environment. Macrobiotic eating and lifestyle is earth- and life-friendly.