How to Attend a Macrobiotic Diet Cooking Class
Take a macrobiotic cooking class and you will bring a whole new way of eating into your home. Opportunities exist to study online, at a center, with a private instructor or via instructional DVD. After you learn some basic skills, you'll be able to prepare wholesome dishes using the signature methods of this dietary approach.Things You'll Need
- Professional facility
- Instructional DVD
- Kitchen pots and accessories
- Macrobiotic diet cooking center
Attend a macrobiotic class to learn how to cook for those with specific health conditions or to simply live a new lifestyle. In the classroom you will learn how to create menu plans, as well as the proper slicing and steaming techniques employed in a macrobiotic diet.
Enlist a macrobiotic facility to get a wider scope of educational choices. With the help from a full-service cooking program, not only will you learn classic recipes, but you will take advanced courses in the physiology of digestion and cooking styles geared toward warmer and colder seasons. At the Macrobiotics America website, you can peruse course information, learn about home study opportunities or order an instructional DVD (see Resources below).
Buy the proper kitchen essentials to cook at home using the skills you have learned in class. To make all the vegetables and grain-based recipes so prominent in macrobiotic cooking, you will need to stock your kitchen with a steamer, large soup pot, pressure cooker, sauté pan and baking sheets. Also, have a few sturdy wooden spoons in various sizes and a good tea pot.
Prepare your food using the specific cutting techniques of macrobiotic cooks, such as layering onions in round ringlets. This type of cooking leans toward preparing vegetables through light steaming, stewing and pickling. Also, in a macrobiotic diet, foods are sometimes served raw, but overall they are primarily steamed, sautéed, boiled or baked.
Consider becoming a personal macrobiotic chef. Specialize your skills in how to prepare daily meals, party foods and buffets, and meal plans tailored to a person's specific health needs. Check out the directory of macrobiotic educational centers listed at the Holistic Medicine Resource Center online (see Resources below).
Find more cooking classes at (see Resources below). Here, you can locate additional macrobiotic centers, classes and conferences. Some class offerings you can attend range from just a few hours a week to multi-hour, comprehensive culinary training programs.