How to Buy Raw Milk
Buy Raw Milk
Find out if you can buy raw milk retail in your state, or if it can be purchased directly from dairy farmers. If so, you may be able to buy raw milk at your local farmer's market. Find out what the laws are by going to the Real Milk Campaign website.
Find your local Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter leader through the WAPF website. This organization promotes traditional foods and advocates for the rights of consumers to purchase and consume raw milk. Your local chapter leader will be able to advise you on how to obtain raw milk in your own area.
Look for a cow share or cow herd co-op nearby. Search the Eat Wild and Local Harvest web sites to find dairy farmers nearby. You will then need to contact the farmers directly and find out if you can buy raw milk from them through a cowshare program.
Begin to purchase raw milk through your source after evaluating its safety and the cleanliness of the farm. If the dairy is a Certified Raw dairy, you can buy raw milk there with confidence. Otherwise, make sure that the dairy adheres to the Raw Milk Standards USA or to the criteria for grass-based raw milk discussed on the Weston A. Price Foundation website.