The Macrobiotic Diet
A Japanese doctor developed the macrobiotic nutritional system. He based his theory on the traditional Oriental diet combined with Western medical knowledge. The main principles of his system are that grain should be a human's staple food, that food should be unrefined and natural, and that we should eat only locally grown produce that is in season.
Yin and Yang
The yin yang symbol represents a universe in balance. Yin is associated with the feminine and "coolness," while yang is masculine and "hot." To maintain health, we should eat foods that balance yin and yang. Typical yin foods are high in potassium and grow above the soil; yang foods are high in sodium and grow beneath the earth. According to macrobiotic philosophy, you should also eat yin foods when the weather is hot, and yang foods when it is cold. It is recommended that you consult a macrobiotic practitioner to create a diet specific to your physical constitution.
Macrobiotic enthusiasts claim that the diet is antiaging, prevents cancer, lowers cholesterol, maintains heart health, and reduces weight. The dietary system has many celebrity followers including Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Sting and John Travolta.