Easy Macrobiotic Meals
What is a Macrobiotic Diet?
The macrobiotic diet avoids processed foods and foods that might disturb the delicate balance of the digestion. It emphasizes lots of whole grains and vegetables and few animal-based foods.
Macrobiotic meals are easy to prepare if you master the daily "building blocks" of your meals, and then add in the weekly food allowances and other optional ingredients.
Easy Macrobiotic Meals Every Day
Whole grains typically make up 50 to 60 percent of the macrobiotic diet and are consumed at each meal. You can eat brown rice, couscous, barley, millet, rye, corn, rolled oats, quinoa, buckwheat and other whole grains in a variety of ways.
Vegetables typically make up 25 to 30 percent. One-third can be eaten raw. The rest can be steamed, boiled, roasted or eaten in soups, another essential component of the macrobiotic diet.
Beans are 10 percent of the daily food intake. This includes cooked beans such as kidney or adzuki as well as bean products such as tofu and tempeh.
Weekly Options
Eat fish or seafood up to several times per week in small portions. It should be eaten with wasabi or ginger to help the body remain in balance. Avoid meat, poultry, eggs and dairy.
Eat raw seeds and nuts in moderation.
Apples, pears, peaches, berries and other locally grown fruits are allowed several times a week.
Desserts are permitted two to three times per week, at least a half an hour after the meal to allow for digestion. Fruit and dried fruit are allowed, as are natural sweeteners such as rice syrup and barley malt. Sugar, honey, molasses and chocolate are not permitted.
Other Ingredients for Your Easy Macrobiotic Meals
Drink only when thirsty, and mainly water. Drinks containing caffeine or alcohol or sugars should be avoided.
Cooking oil is typically unrefined vegetable oil. You can also use dark or light sesame oil for added flavor.
Seasonings include natural sea salt, tamari, shoyu, brown rice vinegar, wasabi, grated ginger root, fermented pickles, roasted sesame seeds and seaweed.
Easy Macrobiotic Meal Tips
Get an inexpensive electric rice cooker, so your rice comes out steamed perfectly every time.
Eat a lot of soup. It is a great way to incorporate all the main components of the macrobiotic diet into simple one-dish meals.
Use extra firm or firm tofu in main meals as a protein substitute, and silken tofu for "creamy" sauces and desserts.
Stir fry your food to save time.
Eat your fruit allowance as snacks and dessert.
Plan your meals ahead.
A macrobiotic diet can seem daunting at first, but once you are familiar with the guidelines, you can enjoy easy macrobiotic meals every day.