Raw Food Protein Diet
Sushi and other specific meat dishes
Sushi is a great way to incorporate a meat into the raw food diet, and it is loaded with protein and other important nutrients and vitamins absent from much of the uncooked food that must be eaten. Raw beef is a bit of a gamble unless you know who is preparing it; carpaccio at a fine restaurant is probably a safe bet but might be a shock to your digestion if you have only been consuming enzyme-rich food for a while.
Nuts 'n Beans
Almonds, cashews and pistachios are all high in protein, though they are also quite high in calories. Peanuts and all the things associated with them have much of the same protein content as their fellow nuts but are a bit lower in calories. Garbanzo beans and soybeans are also great sources of protein, though they take some preparation to break down the enzyme inhibitors so they can be digested more easily. This consists of soaking them in water for 12 to 15 hours to soften them up before they can be mixed with something more flavorful.
Green Veggies
Raw, organic and green leafy vegetables will give a good base of daily protein from spinach, chard and kale. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower give another type of protein. That seems to be the secret with eating greens for the source a protein: variety. Many different amino acids make up the protein molecule, and some are more prevalent in different forms of food, be it green vegetables or any of the other foods mentioned here. Variety is key so that your raw-food diet is both healthful and well-rounded.