How to Adjust Macrobiotic Food Choices By Activity Level

A macrobiotic diet can be the key for many to better health. You need to keep in mind though that it is important to adjust macrobiotic food choices by activity level in order to avoid excess weight loss or gain among other potential problems such as loss of energy. Keep reading to discover how you can enjoy the health benefits of a macrobiotic diet even when you aren't able to work as many activities into your schedule.

Things You'll Need

  • Pad
  • Pen or pencil
  • Food
  • Clock
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  1. How To Adjust Macrobiotic Food Choices By Activity Level

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      Begin a diary of food consumption and activity. This is a good plan on any kind of diet. Make sure you note the times you are eating, what you are eating, how many calories you are consuming, and how many calories (approximately) you are able to burn through activities.

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      Lower and raise your caloric intake according to your activity levels. A macrobiotic diet is intended to help improve your overall health. Some of the foods that are encouraged on this diet are not low calorie or low fat by nature. If you consume too many of these foods without adjusting your fitness routine you will begin to notice results that you may not be anticipating.

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      Increase the amounts of low fat or low calorie foods that you consume during the day. By eating more of the macrobiotic foods that are lower in fat and calories and filling up on those foods you are getting the benefits without suffering from some of the potential downsides that go along with consuming too many of the grains that are included in this diet. This is a great way to adjust macrobiotic food choices according to activity level that allows you to enjoy the higher calorie foods on days when you are going to be more active.

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      Adjust your eating time so that you aren't consuming foods late in the evening. Food that is eaten later in the day is less likely to be used up than foods that are eaten earlier in the day when you are generally more active. You can do more than adjust macrobiotic food choices according to activity level in order to achieve greater results. Changing the time you eat is also believed to have a major impact on your energy level and the amount of calories that are burned during your day.

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