How to Prepare Summer Macrobiotic Diet Meals
Things You'll Need
- List of local food suppliers
- Whole grains
- Tofu
- Distilled water
- Vegetable broths
- Summer fruits and vegetables
- Macrobiotic Recipes
Passing Into Summer
Support your macrobiotic menus with ingredients for all seasons. Whole grains, supplemented with seaweeds, vegetables, fishes, all kind of seeds and wild growing herbs serve as a base for changing fresh, regional foods. Drink clear water or vegetable broth. It is relatively simple to adjust a macrobiotic diet to the changing weather. As warm days continue, eat fresh, locally and organically grown fruits and vegetables. Cooling cucumbers, lettuce, carrots and much more are Summer favorites. Enjoy salads, salsas and cold soups, harvest Summer's bounty of Yin.
Balance Summer heat with watery fruits, cooling Summer vegetables, which alleviate what happens when the body experiences too much heat,People feel stressed out, which reflects Yang's contractive nature. Cooling foods balance with Yin's expansive quality. So, cooling fruits and vegetables, fresh salads are in order. In general, foods are not heated as frequently as in Winter and Fall.
Select Summer vegetables and fruits that are local to your region are acceptable macrobiotic diet standards. Try a Summer salsa with local, organic tomatoes, black beans, cilantro, avocado (if local), lime juice, corn and anything else your creativity suggests. Serve over brown rice or spinach noodles. Chill before serving.
Experience and explore the changes that accompany passage from one season to the next. Summer foods represent the variety that macrobiotic eating enjoys and reflect how Nature establishes balance. With Summer heat comes cooling produce from the good earth. Summer is macrobiotic eating at its peak.
Try this Summer Exercise: (Some Summer Strengthening Macrobiotic Tips, From Seasonal Variation: from Ilanit Tof) 36 breaths for restoring vitality. Hold your hands under your arms – as if you are hugging yourself – your fingertips will rest on the outer edge of your shoulder blades and your thumbs on your chest. Think of yourself as Being a Smile. Breath out, thinking of your energy flowing down the front of your body to the toes. When you feel like breathing in again (there may be a pause) think of the energy flowing up your back to where your neck meets the base of the skull, then breathe out again as your energy washes over your head and down your front. Repeat up to 36 times. (