How to Prepare Spring Macrobiotic Diet Meals
Things You'll Need
- List of local food suppliers
- Whole Grains
- Legumes
- Sea Salt
- Sea Vegetables
- Seeds
- Fish, not farmed
- Sprouts
- Cereals
- Sorrel
- Watercress and other greens
- Macrobiotic cook book
- Miso
- Tofu
Phasing Out, Phasing In
Indulge in macrobiotic foods that resonate with Spring. Spring is a time to plant seeds, so prepared young nettles,dandelion and daisy leaves, germinated alfalfa and watercress, sorrel, cereals and legumes. In early Spring, when the weather still can be cold, it is acceptable to eat wintry foods, such as meats, eggs, fats, seeds and nuts. But, as the weather warms, discontinue these foods. Heated foods now give way to crisp and cooling dishes.
About MisoEnjoy miso soup in every season and is refreshing in Spring. (Recipe in Kushi's Kitchen link). Miso is a fermented bean product that provides a wide variety of enzymes and bacteria friendly to the digestive system and helps food absorption. Miso contains proteins, phyto-nutrients, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. Add miso o a soups, and as seasoning or to flavor sauces. Your local whole foods grocer can help you select from a variety of miso products.
Prepare a delicious Spring menu, with a balance of macrobiotic ingredients (see Spring/Summer1 link). Enjoy polenta with fresh corn, herb black soy beans, with dulse condiment. Carrots and broccoli and ume dill dressing and pressed Chinese cabbage, red radish, and lemon provide delicious side dishes and relish. Top it off with berry kanten for dessert.
Turn your face into the sun and to turn away from stews and squash. The seasonal doors swing wide open to an array of fertile Spring foods that lighten the step into the sun and blooming delight of Spring. Spring foods represent lighter foods that shift from the heavier diet in Winter. Spring rolls can incorporate an array of macrobiotic foods and are delicious and filling.
It's All about Harmony: Yin and YangSelect from many options for variety in your macrobiotic diet. There are menus and recipes for every season. The effort is worth it. With fresh fruits and vegetables shipped to all regions of the world, people no longer are encouraged to eat according in harmony with their environment. As a result, according to macrobiotic practitioners, people have lost their ability to adapt to their changing immediate environment and are more prone to illness. Macrobiotic eating is a path to live a life of balance within one's self and with one's world.
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