Easiest Way to Detox
Stop drinking coffee. Coffee is a known toxin, and nearly every detox program will have you discontinue consumption of it. If you cannot quit all at once, you can switch to tea to get a caffeine boost until your body adjusts.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They are high in vitamins, fiber, minerals and other nutrients that will help your body during your detox. Fruits and their juices also help eliminate waste faster than vegetables, so lean more toward fruit if you can. Both are equally important, though.
Drink at least eight glasses of water each day. Water will help properly flush toxins from your body. Water has many other benefits besides detoxification, so you should be drinking an adequate amount even if you aren't planning to detox.
Exercise. Exercising is probably one of the most important things you can do if you are trying to detox because it causes blood to circulate through your body more efficiently, thereby bringing nutrients to the organs. Toxins are also released through sweat. If you are new to exercise, start with a beginner's yoga workout or a daily walking routine and work your way up to running, swimming, biking and other types of exercise.