Master Cleanse Questions
What do you consume during the cleanse?
The Master Cleanse is an entirely liquid diet. The main lemonade drink is comprised of 2 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of organic formaldehyde-free maple syrup, 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 10 ounces of filtered water. In the morning, some people drink a salt water flush consisting of 2 teaspoons salt and a quart of water, and at night, an herbal laxative tea.
How long should you do the Master Cleanse?
The number of days on the Master Cleanse varies from person to person. The Lemonade Diet recommends a minimum of 10 days with most followers fasting for seven to 12 days.
What are the benefits of the Master Cleanse?
Proponents of the Master Cleanse argue that followers will lose up to 20 pounds, cleanse the body of toxins, look younger, boost energy levels and ease chronic pain.
What are the negative effects of the Master Cleanse?
Proponents of the Master Cleanse argue that the maple syrup and lemon juice provide the body with enough nutrients to sustain itself. Nutritionists of WebMD disagree and claim that the diet is deficient in calories, vitamins, minerals, fat, fiber, carbohydrates and protein. Because it is considered a starvation diet, exercise is not part of the diet prescription and may be harmful. In fact, the lack of protein can lead to unwanted loss of muscle mass. Fasting of any kind can also rob intestines of healthy, necessary bacteria.
How do I end the Master Cleanse?
The Lemonade Diet recommends coming off the cleanse gradually over a three-day period. The first day, keep hydrating by just drinking fresh-squeezed orange juice and water. The orange juice will prepare the digestive track for the upcoming solid foods. On the second day, continue drinking orange juice and water, but prepare a light, vegetarian soup for the evening and eat a rye wafer. The third day consists of orange juice for breakfast, the previous night's vegetable soup for lunch and fruit and vegetables for dinner.
Is a cleanse necessary?
Nutritionists from WebMD argue that cleansing or fasting is not necessary. A healthy liver already detoxifies the body and there is no scientific evidence that a cleanse rids the body of any excess toxins.