Other Diets Similar to the Master Cleanse
Ultra Simple Diet
Fresh berries are a sweet treat allowed on the Ultra Simple diet. The Ultra Simple diet uses many of the same aspects of the Master Cleanse diet but brings it down to a more mild scale. The Ultra Simple plan recommends that dieters combine a few high-quality solid foods with a mostly liquid diet. Each day of the diet starts with the juice of half a lemon and hot water. Lunch and dinner consist of small portions of lean protein and fresh fruits. Snacks in between meals are Ultra Simple's shakes and vegetable broth. The idea behind the diet is to rid you of the urge to overeat by filling your stomach with liquids. Dr. Mark Hyman, the inventor of the Ultra Simple diet, recommends that you adhere to the diet for at least seven days, but he adds that it can be done as long as needed.
Green Smoothie Diet
Green smoothies are simple to make in your home blender. The Green Smoothie Diet is a primarily liquid diet that claims to be more satisfying than the Master Cleanse diet because of the smoothies' thick consistency. The Green Smoothie diet also boasts that laxatives and diuretics are not necessary because the fiber of the fruits and vegetables is preserved. The Green Smoothie diet uses a lot of leafy green vegetables, sprouts, avocados, almonds, wheat germ and yogurt to make the smoothie. The smoothies can be made according to the user's personal taste, and the Green Smoothie Diet also has several different "levels" to ease the dieter into a liquid-centered diet. A life-long plan is also available.
Fruit Flush
Fresh fruits help eliminate toxins from the body. The Fruit Flush diet is a simple three-day detox diet that uses fruit to quickly eliminate wastes from the body. Jay Robb, the creator of the Fruit Flush diet, claims that the dieter can lose up to nine pounds if the diet is closely followed. He also claims the short duration of the diet makes it much safer than other diets. Robb recommends that strenuous cardiovascular activity be avoided during the three-day period. The basis of the diet is simple. During day one, the dieter drinks a protein shake every two hours. On days two and three, the dieter eats a serving of fruit every two hours. The fruit's fiber flushes the system, and the rich nutrients make for a much easier transition when the diet is over.