Ingredients for Cleansing Lemon Diet
Lemon Juice
You will need 2 tbsp of lemon juice. Use a juicer on half of a single organic lemon. Premixing the lemonade or using store bought lemonade will not be effective. Fresh ripe lemon juice has high levels of magnesium, calcium and potassium. These enzymes break apart if the lemon juice is not fresh.
Maple Syrup
You also need 2 tbsp. of maple syrup, preferably Grade B maple syrup, the darker, stronger-flavored variety. Maple syrup contains minerals and electrolytes. It also has soluble and insoluble fiber and fatty acids. All of these are things your body needs to keep functioning.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne is full of capsaicin, the ingredient in cayenne peppers that makes them so hot. Capsaicin raises the metabolism, increases circulation and acts as a purifier that helps with digestion. Use 1/10th tsp. of ground cayenne pepper.
Dissolve all the ingredients in 8 oz. of water. Make sure the water is not fluoridated. It should be purified or natural spring water.