How to Cleanse With Warm Water & Lemon
Things You'll Need
- Fresh water
- Fresh lemons for juice
- Maple syrup (for the Master Cleanse only)
- Cayenne pepper
Warm Water with Lemon
Heat a glass of water until it is lukewarm. Use distilled or ionized water if you want to get the full alkaline effects of the water. You can also add pH drops to the water along with the lemon.
Roll a fresh lemon around on the counter a few times to soften it and increase the flow of juice. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze it into the water. Do not drop the lemon into the water and leave it there, because pesticides from the lemon rind could dissolve into the water.
Add cayenne pepper to your warm lemon water if you want to give the taste a bit of a kick. Try making lime water for a change of pace now and then.
Drink the lemon water with a straw if you have concerns about the effect of the lemons' acidity on your teeth. Brush your teeth after drinking the warm lemon water.
Begin each day with a glass of warm lemon water rather than caffeine, the better to hydrate and cleanse your body after a night of sleep.
The Master Cleanse and the Lemonade Diet
Prepare for the Master Cleanse by eating nothing but fruits and vegetables on the first day, nothing but fruit and vegetable juice for the second day, and nothing but orange juice for the third day.
Take a laxative or perform a salt water flush the night before you start the Lemonade Diet part of the Master Cleanse, and every night you are on the Master Cleanse.
Juice your lemons, either by hand or using an electric juicer.
Combine in a glass 2 tbsp. of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. of maple syrup, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and 8 oz. of warm water. Mix together and drink immediately.
Repeat the lemonade drink every hour or two. Always use fresh lemon juice for each drink. Drink plenty of pure water in between your lemon juice drinks.
Stay on the Master Cleanse diet for no more than 10 days. Add food slowly as you ease off the Master Cleanse and Lemonade Diet, starting with orange juice, then adding homemade vegetable soup, then fruits and vegetables, over a period of five days until your body is prepared to eat normal food again.