How to Juice Lemons for a Juice Diet

When following a juice diet, one of the primary tenets of the regime is that the juices used for the diet be freshly squeezed or extracted. Fresh juices contain living enzymes that are vital to human health. Lemons are exceptionally high in vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects our bodies from cellular damage and boosts immunity. Enzymes, like the antioxidants that accompany them, are desired for their healing properties. When manually juicing lemons, using the correct technique is important so that the maximum amount of juice can be extracted from each one in the shortest amount of time.

Things You'll Need

  • Ripe lemons
  • Sharp knife
  • Mechanical (hand) juicer
  • Strainer
  • Cup or bowl
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    • 1

      Place the lemons to be juiced on a table or countertop an hour or two before they will be used. This will allow them to reach room temperature. Lemons that are not too cold will yield more of their juice.

    • 2

      Take a lemon and place it horizontally on the countertop or table with the palm of your hand over it.

    • 3

      Apply slight downward pressure as you roll the lemon forward on the counter 3 to 4 inches, then backward 3 to 4 inches. Repeat this motion 10 to 12 times rapidly. You should feel the lemon soften as its pulp and inner fibers begin to break down.

    • 4

      Use a sharp knife to cut vertically down through the center of the lemon. Grasp one half of the lemon, and invert it so that the cut, open end is facing down. Press the center of the cut end down onto the raised center point of a manual juicer and squeeze as you rotate the lemon half to the left, then to the right. The juice, pulp and seeds from the lemon should pour out into the lower portion of the juicer.

    • 5

      Repeat steps 2 through 4 with the other half of the lemon and with the remaining lemons until as much juice as desired is obtained. Place a strainer over a cup or bowl. Pour the juice, pulp and seeds from the juicer into the strainer, so that only clear juice flows into the cup or bowl. Discard the pulp and seeds.

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