Lemon Molasses Diet
The Diet
The blend of lemon, molasses, honey and cayenne creates a distinctive beverage. No solid food is allowed on the diet--all you may consume is the special lemon drink, a salt-water flush and an herbal laxative tea. The lemon molasses drink (per serving) is composed of 2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons grade-B organic maple syrup or blackstrap molasses, 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 10 ounces filtered water.
Dieters are supposed to drink the lemon juice combination at least six times daily. Each morning, the diet requires you to drink 1 quart water mixed with 2 teaspoons salt to flush your body. At night, an herbal tea such as peppermint is allowed.
Coming off the Diet
Liquid diets may help you lose pounds and inches quickly. The lemon molasses diet is recommended for 10 to 40 days. Afterward, you are supposed to gradually transition back to solid food, starting with juice, vegetable soup and fruits. More protein sources are added the next week, and you must be sure to drink at least 64 ounces of water daily.
To prevent lost weight from piling back on, you should follow a low-calorie diet with plenty of exercise once you finish the fast.
Medical Risks
A healhy, balanced diet offers lasting and sustainable weight loss. American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Melinda Johnson, RD, says of the diet: "There is no scientific evidence that you need anything like this or any other detox program to cleanse your body or help you lose weight." Additionally, she says the minimal calories of the diet encourage loss of lean-body mass rather than fat loss. Many dieters also become ravenous when consuming only liquids, and binge on high-calorie foods afterward, negating all their weight loss.
The Mayo Clinic advises that lasting weight loss comes from an eating and exercise plan you can maintain for the rest of your life--not a short-term fix.