Salt Flush Lemonade Diet
Beginning the Cleanse
A laxative tea should be drunk the night before beginning the Master Cleanse to begin the flush of your system. The bowel movement will come within the next hour. The first morning, a liter of water mixed with a large amount of salt should be chugged, which will induce a bowel movement in 30 to 45 minutes. Then, the "lemonade mix" should be prepared, which will be the only thing you will consume over the duration of your lemonade cleanse except the salt water flush every morning.
Lemonade Mix Ingredients
The lemonade mix will provide your only sustenance over the span of your lemonade cleanse, and will consist of lemons, pure maple syrup, water, and a bit of cayenne pepper for spice. The basic mix of maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and lemon juice will be mixed with two quarts of water and drunk regularly throughout the day, every time hunger pangs occur or you get lethargic. This mix will provide you with all the nutrients and vitamins you need to get through the day, so you are not in danger of hurting yourself if the diet is done for a couple of weeks. With the help of the daily morning salt flush, your body will naturally push out all of the toxins that have built up inside of it over the past decades.
Duration of the Cleanse
The duration of the cleanse varies from person to person, but according to, a three-day cleanse is the least number of days you can do to see some results. The standard amount of time people do the lemonade cleanse for is seven to 10 days. Some people who have done the Master Cleanse numerous times will stay on the diet for 14 to 21 days, which is considered unhealthy after a certain point, the body can begin to use it's own muscle for energy and sustenance.
As with any diet, especially one of this nature, consult a physician before deciding to do it.