Digestive Cleansing
Activated Charcoal
A common natural digestive cleanser is activated charcoal. Activated charcoal binds to toxins and bacteria found within the intestines. The charcoal rids the toxins and waste via the colon (through bowel movements). It's recommended to take 500 to 600 mg three times per day. Take activated charcoal one to two hours before or after eating meals. Activated charcoal can be found at health food stores or purchased online. Unlike other digestive cleansers, you won't experience harmful side effects and it does not damage the intestines. However, activated charcoal is not a nutritional supplement and shouldn't be taken as such.
Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes to naturally detoxify the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It works like a magnet to draw toxins from the intestines' mucous lining. Take bentonite clay along with fiber (such as psyllium husk) to push out mucoidal plaque that lines the GI tract. Psyllium husk pushes out waste through the colon in the form of stools. Take the clay one hour before or after meals. Do not take bentonite clay with supplements. Bentonite clay can be purchased at health food stores or online herbal stores. It is not harmful to the body and does not produce negative side effects.
Probiotics are supplements that contain living microorganisms that balance unhealthy bacteria found within the intestines. Take probiotics each day to regulate your digestive process. Probiotics ease chronic digestion issues such as irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea. Probiotics are found at natural health food stores and can be taken as a dietary supplement or liquid (follow instructions accordingly). The most common form of probiotics is acidophilus. You can cleanse your digestive system by eating yogurt or drinking milk with acidophilus.